Pinus Forest Yogyakarta |
Many people have a
different caracter each other, but when he think about something he must have a
feeling with his thinking. If we are talking about positive thinking there are
negative thinking too. So what we must doing to become positive thinking person?
Actually negative thinking came in our mind in some condition. First when we
are angry or dislike to someone. This condition can recognize our self to be
negative thinking person. So we should control ourself from this attitude.
There are how to be Positive person in my opinion.
Don’t Judge By The Cover
Always Positive Thinking in Every Condition
Remember the Kind and forget the Bad
Okey, many ways we can doing to be postive thinking person, so you can find it by your self. Positive thinking is very important to us, because it can be positive effect to our life. May be you can do three ways to be positive thinking in the texts. But you may be dont agree with my opinion. Its Ok, no problem to me. So we can sharing each other and discus about how to be good people in everytime. Thanks
4 Komentar
Dalam bahasa agama berfikir positif adalah Husnuszhon ,sifat bijaksana dalam menghadapi setiap masalah
BalasHapusiya bener.. ada Husnudzan dan Suudzan
Hapuspernah dengar pepatah yang diutarakan oleh penyiar radio, katanya, orang yang selalu berpikir positif itu terkadang membuat dia tidak waspada akan bahaya yang ada di hadapanya hingga akhirnya prasangka baiknya tersebut menelannya hingga tenggelam dan hilang. sedangkan orang yang berpikiran negatif adalah orang yang tidak pernah pergi kemana-mana dan akhirnya mati kesepian dan jasadnya membusuk karena tidak ada seorang pun yang mengetahui bahwa dia ada.
BalasHapusHooman is unique, whenever we meet someone, no matter what, we will judge them, it's naturally happen in us. But, for this condition, like you wrote we need to know them little bit more, always positive, and get rid all of negative things. And I will add another secret to be more positive person, increase your self-love, you need to accept your flaws as a beautiful thing in yours.